Drafthorse literary Journal is seeking submissions - April 2013

Drafthorse literary Journal is seeking submissions for its Summer 2013 issue. Drafthorse is a biannual online publication of fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, visual narrative, and other media art where work, occupation, labor—or lack of the same—is in some way intrinsic to a narrative’s potential for epiphany.  We are interested in how work, or the absence of it, effects people and communities on an intimate level.  While we’re open to various interpretations, we expect the subject to be fundamental to your submission in some way.

Complete submission guidelines are available online at  www.drafthorsejournal.org or www.lmunet.edu/drafthorse/submissions.shtml.  We are especially looking for fiction, creative nonfiction and visual art (poetry is almost full for this issue).

Submission deadline for the Summer 2013 issue is April 30, 2013.